
Joseph Morgan

16 Jul 2022

Increase Sanctum token length in Laravel x9


How to Increase Sanctum token length in Laravel 9?
this is my login function which generate the token 

 if(Auth::attempt(['email' => request('email') , 'password' => request('password')])){
 $token = Auth::user()->createToken('authentication')->plainTextToken;
 $lastLogin = User::find(Auth::user()->id);
 $lastLogin->last_login = Carbon::now()->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s.vP');
 return response()->json([ "user" => Auth::user(), "token" => $token ], 200);
 } else {
 return response()->json(['Error, Wrong email or password'], 400); 

and the token which generated by this function is too small 


How can I generate it like the Regular Bearer token? Any solution please



Mohamed Atef

16 Jul 2022

Best Answer

best answer

Yes i believe you can do this, using this function in your User module 

 public function createToken(string $name, array $abilities = ['*']){
 $token = $this->tokens()->create([
 'name' => $name,
 'token' => hash('sha256', $plainTextToken = Str::random(200)),
 'abilities' => $abilities,

 return new NewAccessToken($token, $token->getKey().'|'.$plainTextToken);

and don't forget to use 

use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Laravel\Sanctum\NewAccessToken;

at the top of your Module


Joseph Morgan

16 Jul 2022

Thank you, I will try this function

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