16 Apr 2022
React js
Hello, all i noticed that my component was rendered three times when I update an input in my form.
It is not good and feel like a performance problem.
So my question is : when a component is rendered, how can we know what state was updated when the function component is rendered?
That way I will try to optimize the code so the function component is rendered only once when I update the input of the form.
Thanks for your help
I prefer to use Formik for Reactjs forms it's away better than using states and updating states on input change
16 Apr 2022
Ironic, I use Formik in my case !
const formik = useFormik({
initialValues: {
onSubmit: (values) => {
cancelForm.current = false;
onPostData("/xxxx/Add", values);
export function yyy({
}) {
"%c xxx called",
"background: blue; color: #FFF"
I see the call %c xxx called" 3 times each time I update one input…
so it seems overkill
16 Apr 2022
it seems in devtool there is one option:
but do you know how to use it?
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