

1 Mar 2022

Downgrading Angular 13 to Angular 10 due to incompatibility of my another npm libraries.


Recently angular 13 has been released with the stable release. I have migrated succesfully from version 10 to 13.

My other libraries are breaking up with angular 13 version (Kendo, RxJS, and PrimeNg etc.), that's why I want to downgrade to Angular 10.

I searched and tried following commands

npm uninstall -g @angular/cli

it uninstalled angular 13 version

npm cache clean --force

Node version: 10.13.0

NPM : 6.11.0

Does anyone know the best way to downgrade Angular to v10?



1 Mar 2022

Best Answer

best answer

You can do it by following code changes.

ng --version

npm uninstall -g @angular/cli
npm cache clean --force

npm install -g @angular/cli@10.0.5
ng --version

Here you can see the compatibility chart for your easiness.

Image via Link, It will tell you which versions you can use for your migration or degradation.

95% it will fix the issue, Let me know if you are getting any other errors.



1 Mar 2022

Thank you, compatibility chart is useful!

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