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28 Feb 2022
My visual code tslint and some other extensions are installed for my angular project. While reviewing my code, It shows isStopped is deprecated. what should I use instead of isStopped?
I want to rewrite my code with latest available methodology. Deprecated functions are causing showstopper to the application sometimes!
public createPatientChart(dataItemSet: any): any {
this.showLoader = true;
if (!this.sbscrbr.isStopped) {
this.chart = this.healthService.createPatientBMIChart(dataItemSet, this.chartId, this.optionPool, this.extendedOptions);
this.showLoader = false;
return this.chart;
this.showLoader = false;
return null;
Any compatible code alternative for this code block?
1 Mar 2022
Best Answer
If you would like to check, whether your all subscribers (this.sbscrbr variable) are unsubscribed - In that case, RxJS introduced closed
property. Here I rewrote the code for you,
public createPatientChart(dataItemSet: any): any {
this.showLoader = true;
if (!this.sbscrbr.closed) { //Use closed here to check your subscriber's state.
this.chart = this.healthService.createPatientBMIChart(dataItemSet, this.chartId, this.optionPool, this.extendedOptions);
this.showLoader = false;
return this.chart;
this.showLoader = false;
return null;
closed will do the trick for you.