
Jo Micheal

30 Jan 2022

[solved] SyntaxError: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1 jQuery


I am trying to use JSON.parse() to convert the text of JSON to objects but when I run the code I get this error 
SyntaxError: Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1
The JSON example which I am using is 

jQuery(document).ready(($) => {
 //Create variable to store the JSON 
 var data = [
 "id": 3,
 "title": "Lets narrow down your selection",
 "subtitle": "What services do you want to include in your selection?",
 { "name": "Driver Profiling", "value": "0" },
 { "name": "Driver Assessment", "value": "1" },
 { "name": "Driver Training", "value": "2" },
 { "name": "Driver Management", "value": "3" },
 { "name": "Driver License check", "value": "4" },
 let test = JSON.parse(data);

What should I do?


Mohamed Atef

30 Jan 2022

Best Answer

best answer

This must be a JSON typing error because the JS code is totally correct,
I noticed that you not using ‘ or " to store the JSON into the variable and that’s a mistake you should use it like 

jQuery(document).ready(($) => {
 //Create variable to store the JSON 
 var data = `[
 "id": 3,
 "title": "Lets narrow down your selection",
 "subtitle": "What services do you want to include in your selection?",
 { "name": "Driver Profiling", "value": "0" },
 { "name": "Driver Assessment", "value": "1" },
 { "name": "Driver Training", "value": "2" },
 { "name": "Driver Management", "value": "3" },
 { "name": "Driver License check", "value": "4" }
 let test = JSON.parse(data);
  1. as you see I added ` at the beginning & the end of the JSON array so be like regular text then you can pass it into the function
  2. There are comma “ , ” at the end of the last object into the Array of answers and this is a mistake  



Jo Micheal

30 Jan 2022

Yea that's it the JSON code you attached is working so good, sorry this is a beginners mistakes :)

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