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11 Mar 2022
Hello all I use the following code to make axios make download the file csv:
I have in response.data
data: "Date;Provider;BookingNumber;PNR;Action;PCC;CountryID;Savings;OriginalFare;NewFare;BONewFare;PerCentageDifference;IsPublicOrNetFare;AcctCorpCode;OPcc;PlatingCarrier;RebookedCarrier;Routes;Queue;Online_Offline;LastPurchase;MaxRebook\r\n2022-01-01 01:16:19;Galileo;;0T9FKX;optimization;;;60.00;458.69;398.69;398.69;0;False;;36PR;HC;;;60;False;1/1/2022 1:16:19 AM;\r\n2022-01-05 16:31:24;Galileo;;0TXVHJ;optimization;;;50.00;821.67;771.67;771.67;0;False;;36PR;HC;;;60;False;1/5/2022 4:31:24 PM;\r\n2022-01-11 12:38:18;Galileo;;0VRRH4;optimization;;;18.00;246.40;228.40;228.40;0;False;;36PR;TU;;;60;False;1/11/2022 12:38:18 PM;\r\n2022-01-12 12:51:51;Galileo;;0VYC6S;optimization;;;44.00;549.14;505.14;505.14;0;False;;36PR;ET;;;60;False;1/12/2022 12:51:51 PM;\r\n2022-01-13 12:25:38;Galileo;;0W3CXR;optimization;;;106.00;722.75;616.75;616.75;0;False;;36PR;TK;;;60;False;1/13/2022 12:25:38 PM;\r\n2022-01-14 20:19:16;Galileo;;0WB0RG;optimization;;;18.00;226.37;208.37;208.37;0;False;;36PR;TU;;;60;False;1/14/2022 8:19:16 PM;\r\n2022-01-19 19:47:47;Galileo;;0X25Q2;optimization;;;30.00;280.40;250.40;125.20;50,0;False;;36PR;TU;;;60;False;1/19/2022 7:47:47 PM;\r\n2022-01-24 13:20:31;Galileo;;0XRVDR;optimization;;;228.00;1767.09;1539.09;513.03;66,666666666666666666666666670;False;;36PR;HF;;;60;False;1/24/2022 1:20:31 PM;\r\n"
axios.post(url, obj)
.then(response => {
var blob = new Blob(
[response.data], // Blob parts.
type: "text/csv;charset=utf-8"
const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = url;
var contentDisposition = response.headers["content-disposition"];
var match = contentDisposition.match(/filename\s*=\s*"(.+)"/i);
var filename = match[1];
link.setAttribute('download', filename); //or any other extension
.catch(error => {
//TODO: handle the error when implemented
Can you tell me what is going on?
Can you please add console.log after creating the blob then console.log to get the value of the URL, I belive that the error is coming from these 3 lines
var contentDisposition = response.headers["content-disposition"];
var match = contentDisposition.match(/filename\s*=\s*"(.+)"/i);
var filename = match[1];
also I can share an example i did before to get download the CSV
let res1 = await axios.get(BackendURL+'/api/files/download/'+this.state.currentDocument?.documentId, conf);
let blob = new Blob([res1.data], {type: 'application/pdf'});
const fileURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
this.setState({ currentDocumentURL: fileURL });
please note that type is ‘application/pdf’ i need to change it if I will display the response but to get the URL you can use any type
11 Mar 2022
Hello Mohamed It was a problem of regular expression,
what is the best way of getting the filename from the content-disposition ?
Moreover as to avoid reinventing the code to make the file downloading automatic: I use the js-file-download npm:
import fileDownload from 'js-file-download';
axios.post(url, obj)
.then(response => {
fileDownload(response.data, 'report.csv')
.catch(error => {
//TODO: handle the error when implemented
11 Mar 2022
Because the file name is generated by the backend so the js client needs to read it from content-disposition header.
For example:
The server generate the name with the date and sends in the content-disposition header
return new FileContentResult(result,"text/csv")
FileDownloadName = $"Report{DateTime.Now.ToString("YYYYmmdd")}.csv"