

25 Feb 2022

Unable to Connect AWS EC2 Instance with my subdirectory through domain registrar.


I went through with AWS EC2 Documentation provided by AWS with lots of trials and errors.

My registrar is GoDaddy and my requirement is to set up the application hosted on EC2 Instance on a subdirectory of my domain name. It works for subdomains. Is there any way that I can run my AWS services to a subdirectory?

I am running WordPress on “” already. I created a subdirectory through cPanel.

Sample for my Domain name and structure:

Subdirectory: [Unable to connect AWS EC2 Instance here]

Subdomain: [It works fine using “The Simple Way to Connect AWS EC2 Instance with Your Domain Name” solution]

Let me know if you need more information.

What is advisable? Your valuable opinion will be appreciated.

Source Website: Medium




26 Feb 2022

Best Answer

best answer

Ideally, you can't bifurcate your WordPress installation and subdirectory installation with a different IP address. In case if your post or page contains URL parts as “apps”, it will be an ambiguous page and conflict with your subdirectory and the page/posts.

I recommend using subdomains instead of subdirectories. It will be easy to SEO your content from the subdomains.




26 Feb 2022

Alright! I am thinking in the same manner! I am not able to connect the subdirectory with my AWS EC2 Instance.

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